Our nursery opened in August 2020 and we have a small number of children started with us.
PKC Education & Children's Services are working towards the expansion of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) as outlined in the Scottish Government's blueprint for 2020: The Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare in Scotland.
All 3-5 year olds will have access to 1140 hours of fully funded ELC. This means that in PKC, most will experience early learning and childcare in a funded provider for at least two full days a week and some full days for 5 days a week.
Details regarding nursery provision in Perth & Kinross Council are available in the booklet 'Nursery Policy & Guidelines'. Each nursery provision will have a defined locality which may not be the same as the primary school catchment area.
Further details are available on the PKC website:
ELC Handbook for Parents - St Ninians 2024-25
Care Inspectorate Report December 2021
Duty of Candour Report 2022-2023
Learning at Home
If your child is 3 to 6 years old, click here.